3rd ESO
We are going to start unit 7. In this unit we are going to learn about:
Grammar:-Future forms: Will / Going to / Present continuous
-First Conditional
-Cinema and film genres
-Giving and asking for opinions about films and future
-A film review
These are the activities you have to do during the two following weeks
(Monday, 23rd March- Friday, 3rd April)
Organizaos el trabajo y no lo hagáis todo de golpe ni en el último momento. Plantearos trabajar inglés dos días a la semana, como nuestro horario de clase.Las actividades las tenéis que hacer y mandármelas por correo, podéis hacerlas en un documento de word y adjuntarlo o bien podéis hacerlas en folio y adjuntarme una foto. Las actividades obligatorias son:
-Copiar el vocabulario de los apartados 3-a y 3-c
-Actividades de vocabulario 3-b , 3-d.1, 3-d.2, 3-d.3
-Reading comprehesion , 4
-Listening, 5-1, 5,2
-Writing, 6
(Plazo hasta el viernes 3 de abril)
las demás actvidades son enlaces de vídeos y juegos y matrial extra,y unos enlaces de páginas con juegos y actividades autocorregibles.
Ánimo y a trabajar mis chicos y chicas.
1) Read my post "Never stop dreaming"
2)Watch this video to do a review and learn
about films genres and useful words and
expressions about cinema
3) Vocabulary
3-a) Film genres.List of vocabulary.
You have to copy this list of vocabulary about
film genres in your notebook and study it.
Action film película de acción
Adventure film película de aventuras
Animation film película de animación
Comedy comedia
Crime crimen
Documentary documental
Drama drama
Fantasy film fantasía
Historical histórica
Horror film película de miedo
Martial arts film de artes marciales
Musical musical
Romantic comedy comedia romántica
Science fiction film ciencia ficción
Silent film película muda
Thriller suspense, misterio
War film película de guerra
Western película del oeste

3-b) Do the exercises 1 and 2 below. Answer them in your notebook or in a word document

Links with Games to practise (optional)
3-c) Cinema. List of Vocabulary.
You have to copy this list of vocabulary about
cinema in your notebook and study it.
Act actuar
Be based on estar basada en
Direct dirigir
Film grabar/ rodar
Make up maquillar
Play interpretar
produce producir
Release lanzar(lanzamiento)
star in a film Potagonizar
subtitle subtitular
win ganar
Actor actor
Actress actriz
Audience público
Award premio
Cameraman/camerawoman cámara
Cast reparto de actores
Costumes vestuario
Director director-a
Extra extra- figurante
Film/ movie(USA) película
Genre género
Lead role papel principal
Main actor actor principal
Make up artist maquillador-a
musicians músicos
Original version versión original
Plot argumento
producer productor
scene escena
script guión
scriptwriter guionista
set decorado/ plató
soundtrack banda sonora
special effects efectos especiales
star estrella
story historia
stuntman especialista
subtitles subtítulos
technicians técnicos
3-d) Do the following exercises. Answer them in your notebook or in a word document
3-d.1) Match these words to the definitions
1-Oscars 2-audience 3-plot 4-trilogy 5-subtitles
6-director 7-cast 8-soundtrack 9-blockbuster 10-extra
11-set 12-trailer 13-star 14-scene 15-costumes
a-The music of a film
b-The story of a film
c- Written translation of the dialogue into another language
d- the clothes that the actos wear
e-All the people who act in a film
f- The most important actor or actress in a film
g- A film awards gala in Hollywood
h-The place where the movie is filmed
i- The people who watch a film in a cinema
j - A part of a film happening in one place
k- A person in a film who has a small and unimportant role
l- The person who makes and directs a film
m-Short extracts from a film used to advertise it on tv.
n- A group of three films that composes a larger narrative
o- A very successful film
3-d.2) Complete the text with the words

3-d.3) Complete the text with the words

4) Reading comprehension

5) listenings
In this link you have a listening (below the photograph of "now showing"). You have to play it and do the exercises while you
5-1) Choose the correct options
a) Which film are Mario and Tamara going to see?
Mr and Mrs Jones War Games Robot 2075 King Robert V
Forever Midnight Moon
b)What time does the film they want to see start?
12.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 5.20 p.m. 7.00 p.m.
7.15 p.m 7.30 p.m.
c) What time are Mario and Tamara going to meet?
12.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 5.20 p.m. 7.00 p.m.
7.15 p.m 7.30 p.m.
5-2) Complete the gaps with the correct words
Tamara: Hi, Mario. Do youwant to go and watch a (1) ________________?
Mario: Hi, Tamara. Sure, what's (2)________________?
Tamara: Well there are two action films. Mr and Mrs Jones and War Games, and they are both in (3) _____________________
Mario: I've already seen Mr and Mrs Jones, I haven't seen War (4)__________
but I don't really want to see an (5)___________ film. What else is (6) ________?
Tamara: There's that science fiction flim, Robot, 2075, but I've already
(7) _________ it
Mario: Is it (8) ___________?
Tamara: Yes, it is, but I don't want to see it (9) _________. There is a (10)______
comedy called Forever.
Mario: Mmm. I'm not sure. Are there any (11) ______________ films on?
Tamara: Yes, there's Midnight Moon. It's got (12) ________________in it.
Mario: OK, sounds good. Let's go and watch Midnight Moon.
What (13) ____________ is it on?
Tamara: It's on at 12 o'clock or at half past (14) _____________.
Mario:Is it on this (15) ______________?
Yes, at 7.30.
Mario: Perfect. Let (16) _______________at 7.30
Tamara: OK, shall we(17) ____________ at the cinma at 7?
Mario: Great! See you (18) ______________
Tamara: Bye
Extra , optional for high levels, (watch only)
6) Writing
Write about your favourite film or a recent film.
You have to write about 100 words.
The assessment criteria are:
-Vocabulary learnt ( at least 10)
- Verbs tenses: present, past, present perfect
- linking words (at least 5)
- cohesion and coherence
Some ideas for your writing:
-Talk about a recent film you have senn recently
-What is the genre of this film?
-Who are the leading actors / actresses?
-What is the plot of the film?
-What did you like best in the film?
-Who do you recommend the film(teenagers,
old people, adults, chilgren, all the family?
Here you have some examples

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